Malaysia Lost Talents
Posted by pahaikan on Thursday, June 17, 2010 Under: Free Topics

Couple of days ago, I watched Bedtime Stories (2008 - starred by Adam Sandler) on Astro STAR MOVIES while waiting for the match between Brazil and Korea DPR. This is the first time I watched the movie till the end. I am not writing a review here okay...
But.. Two words in the movie catch my attention.. UNDERAPPRECIATED and UNDERDEMICIATED. The first word means not duly appreciated but the second word does not exist in any online dictionary... But in this movie it refers to the latter.
Well... The word actually reminds me about the story published in Lim Kit Siang's blog in May 26, 2010. The title was An Inspirational Story. The story is about a teenager, 18 years old who came back from abroad after his father declared bankrupt. Then he applied for a job in Komat but his application was rejected twice. Then he goes to China and in 4 years, he develops a special test for circuit board using Argon emission from induced current with his friends. Actually the idea of this argon thing have been around since 1978 (Click here) but I think they manage to apply it on other test.
Then, they make millions testing circuit board in Shenzhen... It is amazing how frustration move you to another level... I don't really like the ending of the story, so you can read it yourself.. (An Inspirational Story).
And today, I came across this topic Another Lost Talent From Malaysia - Pen Drive Founder, Pua Khein-Seng (Click here). This entry was published in September 2009. It is a story about a Malaysian, Pua Khein-Seng who study in Taiwan since he was 19 years old until he become a millionaire through his invention the USB drive SoC (System on Chip), that is used in almost all kinds of pendrive since 2002. Now he is 36 years old with billions of money.
I think that this invention makes the electronic devices such as hand phones, PDAs and external drives becomes more efficient and powerful.

My pendrive collection and I never knew that it was invented by Malaysian..
The thing that is interesting about this guy is that he was a rejected student from the local university, and even his proposals of USB flash memory (pendrive) was also rejected by Malaysian authorities (This is insane!!! I don't know whether this is true or not but if it is true.. !@#$%^&....). The technology that Pua and his friends develop has been patented by Taiwan and claimed as Taiwan Technology. Mind you.. A Malaysian invents a technology for Taiwan... Read his interviews here: Up Close and Personal with Pua Khein-Seng and Rejected Malaysian Is Taiwan's $31 Billion Man.
It's really a shame that Malaysia lost these talents to other country........
Maybe.. Few Malaysian are aware of this subject because those people start to highlight it in their writings... Read some of them here:
The Malay Mail: Better pay needed to keep local talent, says NGOs (Malaysia lost 350,000 skilled talent to other countries in 2008) by Nadirah H Rosdi
The Star Online: Productivity and talent management (What Are We To Do) by Tan Sri Lin See-Yan
Sun2Surf: Keeping our talent at home by Natalie Shobana Ambrose
Interesting Quotes:
“Those innovations – in technology as well as products and business processes – boosted productivity.” - McKinsey Global Institute
"Innovation drives productivity, and productivity drives the flow of real income." - Tan Sri Lin See-Yan
"Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of a commitment to excellence, intelligent planning and focused efforts." - Paul J. Meyer.
REMARKS: Maybe I have not develop my talents too... Hm.. it's now or never.....
In : Free Topics
Tags: pua khein seng malaysia lost talents
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