H1N1: Teknik Tawau's Reign Of Terror!!!
Posted by pahaikan on Thursday, July 30, 2009 Under: Teknik Tawau
Fuh!! After a very frustrating 5 days because of the streamyx failure, this news came out today in the afternoon. Mr Rasi confirmed that one of the Teknik Tawau's students was screened positive with H1N1. Isn't that a bad news?
I was on my way home when I overheard Mr Rasi talking to Mr Idham that one of the students was declared positive with the virus. I interrupted their conversation and I am very sure of the news after looking at the test result in Mr Rasi hands. It was a 5 PKE1 student. His name? Well, this information is highly confidential, so I have to keep my mouth shut.. Hehehe... Since we have a positive case here, I think that a mask will be very important to everyone.
Well, last Monday a talk on H1N1 was conducted at Dewan Tun Ahamadshah by Dr Kuganneshavar A/L Maniunty from Tawau District Hospital. The title was Influenza H1N1 Pandemic: Current Situation in Malaysia. According to the doctor, there were 653 positive cases that have been reported since a months ago (correct me if I'm wrong) but none of the patient has died. So, he said there was nothing to be worried about. I am not really sure about this but he's the doctor...

Dr Kugan explaining something to his crew..

The male teachers busy talking about recent H1N1 cases!!

The female teachers excited about the talk!!

The atmosphere in the hall!!
Then they put on a demonstration on how to wash your hands to prevent the infection of the virus. Well, this part was fun as two students volunteer performed the demos with a nurse. There are actually 7 steps to do the washing. For every step they performed, they get loud applauses from the crowd. I don't really know what motivates the crowd, but I enjoyed the scene very much. The doctor recommended 10 seconds per steps and the procedure will takes around 1 minute and 10 seconds to finish. I don't know about this one but what do you think?

Student volunteers doing the demos!!

Some posters and information on how to wash your hands at the hall entrance.

Mr Ghazali with his mask!

Protection is very important!! Mrs Suhaiza, Mrs Kamariah and Edward posing for the Pahaikan.com!!
Well, the news will be the most talked about tomorrow in the Morning Prayer Session... I hope some dramatic action will be taken for this situation and may be the school should be closed to halt the spreading of the virus. I personally think that it's the best option to choose right now before the virus live and stay inside everyone's body!!
In : Teknik Tawau
Tags: h1n1 teknik tawau
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